Oracle Licenses in the Cloud

12.05.2023 11:00 - 12.05.2023 12:00

Erfahren Sie in unserer 60-minütigen WebSession mit Michael Skowasch​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ alles rund um das Thema "Oracle Lizenzen in der Cloud​​​​​​​​​​​​​​". Buchen Sie jetzt und sichern Sie sich einen Platz! Die Veranstaltung ist für Mitglieder der DOAG kostenfrei.

In my talk, I will present Oracle licensing options in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure and Google Cloud.

I will examine the license models

„Oracle licensing already included in the price“ and „BYOL (bring-your-own-licenses)“ as a platform for Oracle databases at the cloud providers.

I will answer the following questions: Which cloud models, Oracle editions, versions can you use with which cloud provider? Where do the license traps lurk?

In a price comparison I will contrast AWS and OCI for the deployment of Oracle databases.

At the end of the presentation, you will be able to deploy Oracle databases with the cloud providers in a license-safe manner.



Event Format
Web Session
60 Minuten


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