Next generation Oracle DB platform: "Best of breed" versus Exadata. Comparison of performance and snapshot functionality in a PoC.

13.01.2023 11:00 - 13.01.2023 12:00

Erfahren Sie in unserer 60-minütigen WebSession mit Clemens Bleile​​​​​​​ alles rund um das Thema "Nächste Generation Oracle DB Plattform: «Best of breed» versus Exadata. Vergleich von Performance und Snapshot-Funktionalität in einem PoC.". Buchen Sie jetzt und sichern Sie sich einen Platz! Die Veranstaltung ist für Mitglieder der DOAG kostenfrei.

What should be the next DB platform (after IBM/AIX/LPAR)? Due to the complexity of the interfaces, the cloud was not an option as a target platform. The customer thus had 2 on-prem alternatives to choose from: "Best of breed" with Lenovo servers and Netapp storage technology versus Exadata as an "engineered system". The most important criteria for the decision were the cloning functionalities and the performance of the systems. This webinar presents the experiences of a PoC (problems encountered, "aha" experiences and successes) and shows which platform was ultimately chosen and for what reasons.





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Web Session


60 Minuten


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